Hosting a tech Saavy wedding is not only on trend, it makes your wedding more sustainable! Read on to find out more!

Hey, John!
My fiancée, Liz, and I are both software engineers. Since we are comfortable with technology and starting to plan our fall 2024 wedding, are there ways we can use technology to increase the sustainability of our wedding?
Thanks! –Sam in Salem
Hey, Sam!
That’s a really great question!
Because I am comfortable in the aerospace sector, I enjoy seeing our couples at Ainsworth House & Gardens plan a wedding which leverages the advantages of tech to lessen the use of paper records and therefore be more sustainable.

- First, let’s look at the tech landscape. According to Zippia Research, “There are over 7 million apps on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store combined.” This means there are apps that help you
- plan your wedding
- create a wedding budget
- allow you to create your own wedding website with a digital guest book, a website app
- set up an online registry
- delineate the guest list
- send digital invitations*
- track RSVPs and special dietary requests
- organize vendor contracts.
2. Select high tech, aerial drone, 4G videography. This is usually stunning! Ask your vendor if they can produce a preliminary edit of your wedding video that you can share that night at your reception.
3. For your website, create your own. Flee from the free templates! Brainstorm with your partner on the features you would like to website to have and then create those features. Be imaginative!
- You could install an app which allows you to interact with your guests in the months prior to your wedding.
- On the back of your Save the Date cards, have a QR code with takes your guests directly to your website. This saves them the time and frustration of typing in a 30 character URL several times before they type correctly and find your website.
- Have a blog on your website. Every new blog post updates your friends and family on your progress—the colors you selected, the flowers they will see at your wedding, and more!
- Add social media icons so that your family and friends can quickly move from your website to Facebook, Instagram, and your other channels.
- Post new content on social media updating your guests on how your wedding is developing.

4. This makes your process for planning easier, more organized (less stressful!), much more efficient (saves you time), saves more trees, is more sustainable, and more fun! (We hope!)
5. In advance of your wedding, set up a live stream of the event for those who can’t be with you in person. Any guest who becomes ill at the last minute can stay home and still see your wedding happiness!
At your reception,
6. Purchase or DIY a darling charging station for your guests. Verify that you have charging available for diverse types of phones.
7. Instead of a photo booth, rent a GIF booth which creates moving images like the Boomerang feature on Instagram.
If you have any questions, reach out to me. I’m happy to help you!
Your friend in the wedding business,
John Shyne
Images courtesy of Ainsworth House & Gardens, and
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