A Royal Wedding without Tiaras? Really???

On June 1, Crown Prince Hussein married Crown Princess Rajwa, the daughter of a family related to the king of Saudi Arabia. As part of the dress code, guests were not allowed to wear tiaras to the wedding but were allowed to wear their tiaras to the wedding banquet in the evening. Read on to find out more about this incredible royal wedding!

When we think of a royal wedding, we often think of the glamorous tiaras and jewelry worn by the bride, the royal families, and the wedding guests–a brilliant, sparkling sea of diamonds, pearls, and precious gemstones. 

But that was not the case on June 1, 2023,  in Jordan, a Middle Eastern kingdom to the east of Israal. 

Though royalty from around the world was invited, they were invited not to bring their tiaras to the day time wedding.

a gold and diamond tiara

When Jordan’s crown prince married his beloved, the only tiara was on the brow of the bride, who, in the fullness of time, will become the queen of the Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan.

June 1 Crown Princess Rajwa of Jordan

Who are the two lovebirds?

Rajwa-Al-Saif, the bride, is the daughter of a very prominent Saudi Arabian family: they are closely related to King Salman of Saudi Arabia.

After graduating with her degree in sustainable architecture in 2017 from Syracuse University of New York, she worked in Los Angeles.


She and the crown prince were very successful in keeping news of their romance out of the press and so it came as a surprise when they announced their engagement in August 2022.

His Royal Highness, Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan, is the 42nd. generation to be directly descended from the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. When he was 20, he became the youngest person ever to chair a United Nations Security Council meeting.  In 2016, he graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in International History. Currently, he serves as a Captain in the Jordanian Armed Forces.

Wedding photo of Rajwa and Crown Prince Hussein.

Wedding of Rajwa and Hussein
crown Prince Hussein and his bride

The wedding of the crown prince and his love was a joyful occasion:

The wedding hashtag was #CelebratingAlHussein. The official wedding logo continued that theme by hovering a crown about the Arabic symbol for “We Rejoice.”

Are tiaras needed to light up this special day? No. The megawatt smiles of joyful guests lit up the entire day!


Images courtesy of Unsplash.com and MyNewRoyals.com.

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