February’s Fabulous Birthstone and Birth Flowers for Your Wedding!

If November’s color is yellow (yellow topaz and yellow chrysanthemums), then February’s color is purple (purple amethyst birthstone and purple violet, primrose, and iris). Read on to learn how you can incorporate February’s fantastic birth gem and birth flowers into your wedding!

purple iris flower for wedding

Hey, Christie!

Thank you for all your help planning our wedding at Ainsworth House & Gardens! You are amazing!

I was born in February and I’d like to add my birthstone (amethyst) or my birth flowers (violet, primrose, or iris) to my wedding.

What do these mean?

What do you suggest I do to add them to my wedding?

Thanks in advance!

–Courtney the Confused in Cottage Grove, Oregon

Hey, Courtney!

You are a joy to work with! Thank you for making my job so much fun!

Brava! You identified your birthstone and  birth flowers. February has fewer days than any other month. Purple is the color associated with February since the birth gem and the birth flowers are available in various shades of purple. Let’s dive in!

primrose purple PXBY
amethyst geode PXBY

February Birthstone:

Purple Amethyst

Amethyst is a variety of quartz which is found in most areas of the world.

In which colors are amethysts available?

  • Deepest purple to palest lavender

  • light green

  • pink.

What does an amethyst symbolize?

  • Mental clarity & inner strength

  • Calmness

  • Courage.


vintage amethyst engagement ring
amethyst oval polished PXBY

Long ago, people thought that wearing an amethyst could balance their metabolism and give them greater intuition.

How was the word “amethyst” derived?

According to legends from Ancient Greece, the word is derived from the Greek phrase, “to prevent intoxication.”

February Birth Flowers:




Birth flowers symbolize specific characteristics or qualities for those born in that month.

yellow primroses for weddings
violets PXBY


Traditionally, a bouquet (or a bunch) of violets was given to newlyweds to express a wish that they be steadfast and faithful to each other all the days of their marriage.

In which colors do violets bloom?

  • White

  • Yellow

  • Pink

  • Blue or blue and white

  • Lavender 

  • Purple.

What does a violet mean in the language of flowers?

  • True love

  • Steadfastness and faithfulness in a relationship

  • Humility or modesty

  • Pure beginnings

  • Faith

  • Inspiration

  • Spiritual passion

  • Mystical awareness

  • Profuseness.

violets pink PXBY
primrose purple PXBY


Derived from the Latin word, “primus” meaning “first,” and “rosa” meaning “rose,” the primrose is  one of the first flowers to bloom in late winter and early spring!

Fun fact: Since 2021, “Primrose” has been one the top 200 names for girls in Great Britain!


In which colors do primroses bloom?

  • White

  • Yellow

  • Pink or Red

  • Blue

  • Purple.

yellow primroses for weddings
primroses pink and red PXBY

What does a primrose symbolize pr represent in the language of flowers?

  • Young love

  • Renewal

  • Optimism.


What does an iris symbolize?

  • Hope

  • Enduring faith

  • Wisdom

  • Positive change awaits!

How was the word “iris” derived?

According to Greek mythology, the goddess, Iris, served as a messenger from the gods to people and crossed a rainbow bridge between Earth and Heaven to communicate. “Iris” means “rainbow” in Greek and may refer to the number of colors in which an iris might bloom.

purple iris flower for wedding
iris blue and yellow PXBY

In which colors will an iris bloom?

  • White

  • Pink

  • Yellow

  • Orange

  • Deep Red

  • Blue

  • Blue and yellow

  • Lilac

  • Purple

  • Brown

  • Black.

How can you add any of these to your wedding celebrataions?

You can add an amethyst to your ring or wear it as a pendant.

You could add any of these birth flowers to your bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages, and floral arrangements.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to me. I’m happy to help!

Your friend in the wedding business,

Christie Shyne


Images above are  courtesy of Pexels.com and Pixabay.com.

Images below are from the Ainsworth House & Gardens wedding gallery.

© 2023-2024. Come Rain or Shyne, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.

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