Include Your October Birthstones and Birth Flowers in Your Wedding!

October! Fall is in the air as our nights turn from crisp to cold. If you’d like to include your October birthstones and/or birth flowers into your wedding at any time of the year, we’ve got the tips you need. Read on to find out more!

Fall gourds and pumpkins

Hey, Christie!

Thank you for your help in planning our wedding at Ainsworth House & Gardens!

I’ve been going out of my gourd trying to solve this question and would like your help.

I’d like to surprise Mitch by including one of his October birth flowers or his birthstones into our wedding. I might add his birthstone to my engagement ring or add his birth flowers to our floral arrangement at the head table for our reception. The problem is that I don’t know what they are. Help! If any of them have meanings or symbolize something, please share that too. I don’t want to pick a flower that says I’m jealous or something awful.

Thanks in advance!

–Katie in Keizer, Oregon

Hey, Katie!

You two are a delight to work with! We are so happy for you!!!

Quick answer:

October’s birthstones are opal and tourmaline.

October’s birth flowers are marigold, calendula, or cosmos.

fall leaf on tree turning orange with heart shape cut out of it
fall tree turning red Pixabay

What is October?

While October is the eighth month on the Julian calendar (the one we don’t use), it is the 10th. month on the Gregorian calendar (the one we do use).

Since Oregon is in the Northern Hemisphere, we are in the midst of the glorious season of fall in October while in the Southern Hemisphere (Brazil or Australia), they are celebrating spring.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the deciduous trees are turning color from lively green to brilliant yellow or vibrant red.

If we lived in the 5th. to the 11th. centuries in Jolly Old England and spoke an older version of English, this time of year would be called “Winterfylleth” which linguists think refers to the Winter’s full moon but no one is quite sure…

October Birthstones: Opal and Tourmaline

Opal is an iridescent stone which fascinates us with its flashes of color. Opals glow in an array of colors depending on the light shining on it.

According to gemologists, there are three varieties of opal:

opal ring
  1. Fire Opal: With its vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows, this gem seems to blaze with passion.

  2. Rainbow Opal (or Precious Opal): If you want a gem in which the light reflects the most, this is your opal!

  3. Common Opal: Instead of having fire like the other two, this opal has a serene pearl-like finish.

unpolished opals Pexels

How was the word “opal” derived?

Linguists are divided on this: Some say that it comes from the Sanskrit word, “upala,” meaning “precious stone” while others are certain the word is derived from the Greek word, “apallias,” which means “to see a change in color.”

What is opal’s symbolism?

According to legend, the opal will encourage you to be your best and bring positivity into all aspects of your life.

Opals encourage imagination and creativity while supporting fidelity, hope, and innocence.

In which colors can opals be found?

Opals are categorized by their background color—either Crystal, Boulder, Fire, White, or Black.


If Harry Potter and you are looking for the philosopher’s stone, you might be looking for tourmaline.


Researchers think that because alchemists discovered that tourmaline gives off a small charge when it is heated or cooled, people started calling it the philosopher’s stone.

What is tourmaline’s symbolism?

There are those who think that tourmaline aids us in communicating better so that our words and our intent are clearly understood. People in Africa used tourmaline as a protective talisman. Pagans carry tourmaline to support their creativity, happiness and harmony.


tourmaline from

Each of the different colors has its own meaning:

Pink: love, reduce stress

Red: support a relationship

Green: stamina and grounding

Brown: the ability to truly see

Black: mental safety


In which colors can tourmalines be found?

Tourmaline comes in black (also called Schorl), red, green, pink, and even Rainbow—a stone that changes from pink to white to green! Legend suggests that tourmaline has so many distinct colors because it traveled the rainbow long ago!

orange marigolds

Birth Flowers: Marigolds, Calendulas, and/or Cosmos


When only one birth flower is listed for October, it is marigold! Fun fact: Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illinois introduced a bill each year for 10 years to name the marigold as the floral emblem of the US (aka, the official flower of the US). 


What does “marigold” mean?

It is derived from “Mary’s gold” making the flower sacred to the Virgin Mary.

What does a marigold symbolize?

Love, joy, prosperity, success, warmth, passion, deep emotions. In Mexico, the marigold allows you to cherish memories of a loved one who passed on. In India, the flower symbolizes friendship.

orange and burgundy maricold
marigold Pixabay

In which colors does the marigold bloom?

This vibrant little flower blooms in shades of intense yellow, orange, and red. In Mexico, marigolds honor loved ones who passed.

Fun fact: Marigolds have a delightful scent for people but not for deer or rabbits…which is why gardeners often plant marigolds to keep deer and rabbits out of their vegetable patch!



Did you know that calendulas are cousins of marigolds and that they are edible? Yep! The petals can be scattered in salads or used as an alternative for either saffron or cheese coloring. Who knew?

In ancient Greece and Rome, people wore calendula garlands during various rituals and festivals to express their joy.

orange and yellow calendulas with a butterfly Pixabay
yellow calendula

In India, the flower is sacred and often placed on statues of the gods as a wish for opportunity and wealth. In Indian marriage ceremonies, the flower expresses a wish that the couple is fertile. Christians often use calendulas to decorate statues of the Virgin Mary. In Mexico, calendulas planted in the garden symbolize the hope that happy spirits will visit the home.

What does the name “calendula” mean?

From the Latin term meaning “little clock or calendar,” we get the word “calendula.”

What does a calendula symbolize?

To the ancients, the calendula brought  protection and transformation. To the Victorians, a calendula meant the giver would keep the recipient in their thoughts.

orange calendula from Pixabay
Cosmos flower in two shades of pink for weddings


Like the calendula and the marigold, the cosmos is edible; instead of scattering the petal on a salad, the cosmos makes a great garnish or can be made into tea.

What does the name “cosmos” mean?

It is Greek for “ordered universe” and “harmony.”


What does a cosmos symbolize?

This lovely flower represents tranquility, harmony, balance, order, love, peace, and the beauty found when chaos is organized into order

During the Victorian era, giving someone a cosmos was a truthful declaration of your love for them.

Cosmos flower in peach
fall or autumn trees Pixabay

If you have additional questions, please ask me. I am happy to help!


Your friend in the wedding business,

Christie Shyne



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Images below here are from the Ainsworth House & Gardens wedding gallery.


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fall leaf on tree turning orange with heart shape cut out of it
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