English constantly changes. When we needed a word to describe images transported over a distance, the word “television” was created from the Greek prefix “tele” meaning “from a distance” and the Latin word “vision.” The job titles for Maid of Honor, bridesmaids, groomsmen, and others in the wedding party have changed too. Here are our favorite new titles for the members of the wedding party!

Hey, Christie!
Abigail has been my closest friend since third grade and she is the perfect choice for my Maid of Honor. The problem is that neither she nor I like that title. Are there creative alternative titles for my smart, quirky, and funny best friend?
Thanks!–Diane, Dumbfounded by Titles in Dundee, Oregon
Hey, Diane!
I love answering questions like this!
First, let me share the Cliff’s Notes on the origins of the titles for the bridal party.
Lost somewhere in the mists of time are the first dates on which the titles of “Maid of Honor” and “Matron of Honor” were initially used.
Since medieval times, the number of bridesmaids indicated how wealthy the bride’s family was: the richer her family was, the more bridesmaids attended the bride.
In China, the bridesmaids dressed like the bride to confuse any would-be kidnappers of the lovely bride.
Since “Maid of Honor” denotes an unmarried woman and “Matron of Honor” indicates a married woman who attends the bride, recent brides have sought alternative titles which don’t indicate the lady of honor’s marital status. After all, “Best Man” does not indicate if he’s married or not!

At Ainsworth House & Gardens, here are several of our favorite alternative titles:
“Woman of Awesome”
“Best Sister”
“Best Woman/Best Girl/Best Gal” (Same word pattern as “Best Man.”)
“Bride’s Best Friend”
“Friend of the Bride”
“Made of Honor” (Appropriate for a man who is the “Maid of Honor.”)
“VP of Fun”
“Director of Words”
“Lady of Honor”
“Woman of Honor”
“Honor Attendant”
“Woman of Distinction” (Refers only to the Maid of Honor.)
“Handmaiden” (Title was selected by a woman interested in Medieval studies and online role playing games.)
“Maid of Dishonor” (Back story: She got the bride so inebriated before the wedding that the bride could barely function on her wedding day.)
“Wedding Council,” “Posse,” or “Crew” (for all the bridesmaids and groomsmen)

If you create a title, please let me know!
Your friend in the wedding business,
Christie Shyne
Images courtesy of Ainsworth House & Gardens and Pixabay.com.
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